AUS Pork Jowl (200 - 230g)
Our pigs are kept stall free from birth in a loose housing system. The animals are able to move freely in a large pen that is climate controlled with access to natural light. The pens are well ventilated and protected from harsh weather elements ( temperatures exceed 35 degrees in summer and drop below 0 degrees in winter) and predators.
• No Growth Hormones
• No Antibiotics
• APIQ certified and HACCP compliant.
• Feedsafe Accredited Feed Manufacturer
• NCMC Service Processing Booyong
• Moving towards a net carbon positive by installing a biogas plant.
Pork Jowl can be used in BBQs or some wonderful Thai Lemongrass dishes. It has a springy texture which is sought after by gourmands.
The jowl is a richly textured and delicious cut of meat derived from the biggest portion of meat on the head of the pig. They can be cured the Italian way to make "guanciale" which is wonderful for Carbonara pastas. We also sell guanciale.